Solved Answers - How to Guide

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 8871 Views

This community is all about providing our members with a platform to help each other find answers to common questions and experiences with AGL products and energy in general.


Answers are a way for members who have asked a question to choose the reply that best answers their question, which recognises helpful contributors in our community and helps others going through a similar experience. This is because Solved Answers will appear higher in search results.

How do I tell what a Solved Answer looks like?

Posts with an accepted answer have a little green tick icon, so it's easy to see which posts have an answer already. Within a thread, the solved answer will have a green bar next to it, and have this icon above the member who solved it.

SOLVED ANSWER green button.png
A link from the original question will take you directly from the question to the answer.


How do I mark a message as a solved?
Answers can only be marked by the member who started the thread or community moderators. So, if you've posted a question to a forum, you can choose the reply that best answers your question by clicking ‘Mark as Solved’.


To mark a message as solved, on the bottom right of the post you will see two buttons. Simply click this blue button.




Why should I mark a message as a solved?
We want you to be recognised for your contribution in the community. From using the functionality on just one or two questions you ask, to being a prolific problem solver across discussion topics.


Soon we will be introducing badges to acknowledge and reward members who to continue to be helpful throughout the forums and support other members with help. Look out for updates on this coming soon!


How does marking a message as solved help others?
Many visitors come to our community seeking answers to questions that have previously been answered by our members.

A Solved Answer icon appears on discussion topic boards and in search results so you and visitors can easily see which posts have solved answers. Solved Answers will appear higher in search results, surfacing answers faster.

If a moderator solved your query then we also know we are continuing to help.